Boost your career with skills

Tapping into your professional potential starts with acquiring the right skills. Whether you're looking for a promotion, a career change or simply to stay at the cutting edge of your industry, acquiring in-demand skills can give you the boost you need. Discover the key skills that can propel your career to new heights and open doors to exciting opportunities.

Boost your career with a skills assessment

No matter where you are in your career pathIt's essential to continually improve your skill set to remain competitive and achieve your career goals. The job market is constantly evolving, and employers are looking for candidates with a diverse range of skills who can contribute to their organization's success.

By acquiring sought-after skills, you can position yourself as a valuable asset and increase your chances of career advancement.

If you don't, you risk missing out on excellent opportunities to advance your career and achieve your goals. Career acceleration is interesting when you know what skills and abilities are, how they relate to each other, and why you should focus on developing your skills rather than your abilities.

What are skills and aptitudes?

In a fast-changing job market, it's more important than ever to stay one step ahead and develop the skills employers are looking for.

Whether you're just starting out in your career or looking to take it to the next level, acquiring skills can help you stand out from the crowd. achieve your professional goals.

But what exactly are skills, and how can they boost your career?

Competence is the ability to apply knowledge, skills and attitudes to achieve a desired result in a specific context. It's not just a question of possessing skills, but of knowing how and when to use them effectively.

Skills and abilities are two terms often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings and implications. Skills are the specific abilities you can perform, such as typing, speaking a language or using software. They are often measurable and can be acquired through training or practice.

Skills are important because they represent knowledge and understanding of how to perform tasks, but they are not sufficient to guarantee success in the workplace. Competence, on the other hand, is about more than skills; it's also about mindset, attitude and behavior. Competence is the ability to adapt skills to different contexts and challenges. It is the combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes that enables a person to perform well in a variety of situations. Dynamic and able to be developed over time through experience and feedback, competencies are the general qualities that enable you to exercise those skills effectively, such as communication, problem-solving or teamwork.

Some reasons why skills are more important.

Holistic performance

Competencies effectively explain how a person's behaviors achieve the desired results in their role. They consider not only what a person can do, but also how they do it, taking into account their approach, mindset and interpersonal skills.

Adaptability and growth

Skills are transferable and can be applied in different contexts, making individuals more adaptable and versatile in their careers. They provide a basis for continuous learning and development, enabling individuals to evolve and flourish in a constantly changing work environment.

Alignment with organizational objectives

Competencies are aligned with an organization's values, culture and strategic objectives. By defining and assessing competencies, organizations can ensure that employees possess the behaviors and skills needed to drive success and achieve desired results.

Improved decision-making

Competencies provide a framework for making informed decisions on recruitment, promotion and talent development. They provide a holistic view of an individual's potential and suitability for a position, going beyond a checklist of technical skills.

For example, while a software engineer may possess technical skills such as coding and problem-solving, skills such as teamwork, communication and adaptability are just as crucial to collaborating effectively with colleagues, understanding user needs and adapting to changing project requirements.

In a way, competencies encompass a broader set of attributes that contribute to overall performance and success in a role. They offer a more comprehensive view of an individual's capabilities and potential, enabling organizations to make better talent decisions and individuals to thrive in their careers.

Boost your career with a skills assessment

Which common competencies are more important than skills?

While skills refer to specific competencies acquired through training and experience, competencies encompass a broader range of behaviors, attitudes and knowledge that contribute to successful performance in a role.

Essential for employees who want to thrive in the modern workplace, competencies are more important than skills because they go beyond the technical abilities required to perform a job.

Adaptability and innovation

In fast-moving sectors such as technology or fashion, the ability to adapt to new circumstances and think innovatively is crucial. This skill enables individuals to keep up with changing trends, adopt new technologies and find creative solutions to challenges.

Customer experience

Sectors that rely heavily on customer satisfaction, such as hospitality or retail, prioritize skills related to delivering an exceptional customer experience. This includes skills such as effective communication, empathy, problem-solving and the ability to anticipate and respond to customer needs.

Collaboration and teamwork

Sectors that require extensive collaboration between team members, such as healthcare or project management, value the skills associated with effective teamwork. These include skills such as communication, active listening, conflict resolution and the ability to work harmoniously with diverse groups.

Leadership and strategic thinking

Sectors that require individuals to lead teams or make strategic decisions, such as commerce or consulting, prioritize skills related to leadership and strategic thinking. These include skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, strategic planning and the ability to inspire and motivate others.

Analytical and data-driven

Sectors that rely heavily on analysis and knowledge of data, such as finance or marketing, value skills related to analytical thinking. This includes skills such as data analysis, critical thinking, attention to detail and the ability to draw meaningful conclusions from data.

Resilience and stress management

Sectors that involve high-pressure environments, such as healthcare or emergency services, prioritize skills related to resilience and stress management. This includes skills such as emotional intelligence, adaptability, autonomy and the ability to remain calm and focused in difficult situations.

These examples show that certain skills go beyond specific technical abilities and play an essential role in different business sectors. By developing and enhancing these skills, individuals can excel in their respective fields and stand out among their peers.

Competencies are more important than skills if you consider the following:

Skills enable employees to cope with change and uncertainty. Today's workplace is constantly changing and unpredictable. Added to this is the fact that, according to an IBM study, 60 % of executives identified adaptability as the top skill needed to succeed in the future (IBM, 2018). Employees need to be able to adjust their skills and strategies to meet new demands and opportunities. Competence enables employees to be flexible, creative and innovative in solving problems and achieving goals.

Competence improves employee performance and productivity. According to a study by Korn Ferry, organizations with higher levels of competence had 18 % more revenue per employee than organizations with lower levels (Korn Ferry, 2016). Competent employees can apply their skills effectively and efficiently in different situations. They can also acquire new skills quickly and easily when needed. Competence helps employees maximize their potential and deliver high-quality results.

Competence fosters employee growth and development. Competent employees can identify their strengths and weaknesses and seek feedback and improvement. They can also set realistic, challenging goals and pursue them with passion and perseverance. According to a LinkedIn study, 94 % of employees said they would stay longer with a company that invests in their learning and development (Linkedin, 2018).Competence motivates employees to learn continuously and to develop professionally.

Skills are important, but they're not enough to succeed in today's dynamic, competitive world. Skills can become obsolete, outdated or irrelevant as technology, markets and customer needs evolve. Competencies, on the other hand, are more durable, adaptable and transferable. They enable you to apply your skills in different contexts, situations and challenges. They also help you acquire new skills more quickly and efficiently.

To illustrate this point, here are a few examples of how skills can make a difference in your career:

Imagine you're a graphic designer who knows how to use Photoshop. That's one skill. However, if you also have the skill of creativity, you can use Photoshop to create original, innovative designs that stand out from the crowd.

If you're a salesperson who knows how to sell a product very well, that's a skill. That's a skill. However, if you also possess the skill of empathy, you can understand your customers' needs and emotions and adapt your sales pitch accordingly.

For you, as a manager, who knows how to delegate tasks very well. That's a skill. However, if you also possess the skill of leadership, you can motivate your team members to give their best and achieve their goals.

As you can see, skills can enhance your abilities and make you more useful and effective in your role.

How can you develop your skills?

Skills are not "something" you are born with or acquire overnight. It can be developed over time through deliberate practice and reflection.

Developing skills is not as simple as taking a course or reading a book. It requires an ongoing process of self-awareness, reflection, feedback and action.

Some steps you can take to develop your skills:

Identify your strengths and weaknesses

Core competencies are the essential skills that define your role and value within the organization. These are the skills you need to master and excel in to perform well in your job. You can identify your core competencies by analyzing your job description, asking your supervisor or colleagues for feedback, or taking a skills assessment test. Ask yourself which skills you already possess and which you need to improve. Use various tools such as self-assessments, 360-degree feedback or performance appraisals to identify your skills gaps.

Assess your current skill level

Once you've identified your key skills, you need to assess your current level of competence in each of them. To do this, you can rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means novice and 5 means expert. You can also ask your supervisor, colleagues or customers for feedback on how you demonstrate each skill in your work.

  1. Adaptability and innovation

2. Customer experience

3. collaboration and teamwork

4. Leadership and strategic thinking

5. Analytical and data-driven

6. Resilience and stress management

Set specific, measurable objectives for skills development.

Based on your assessment, you need to set specific, measurable goals to improve your skill level for each core competency. Once you know which skills you want to develop, set SMART goals that will help you achieve them. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. For example, if you want to improve your communication skills, you could set yourself a goal such as "I will give a 10-minute presentation to my team every week for the next month". If you want to improve your communication skills, you could set yourself a goal such as "I will make a clear and concise presentation of project X to the management team by next month". You should also identify the actions and resources you need to achieve your goal, for example by taking a course on presentation techniques, training with a mentor or reviewing best practices.

Track your progress and evaluate your results.

Evaluating and improving is the next step. Finally, you need to evaluate your progress and results, and identify areas for improvement. Ask for feedback from others who can observe your performance, or by measuring your results against your objectives. You can also reflect on your own experiences and learn from your successes and failures. Monitor your progress and evaluate your results. As you work towards your skills development goals, you need to track your progress and evaluate your results regularly. Keep a diary of your achievements and challenges, ask others for feedback or measure your results against your expectations. You can also celebrate your successes and learn from your failures along the way.

Look for learning opportunities.

Reach out. Seek to learn from others who have the skills you want to develop. You can do this by finding mentors, coaches, role models or peers who can offer advice, feedback or support. You can also look for formal or informal training programs, courses, workshops or webinars that will enable you to acquire new skills or knowledge related to your competencies. Look for new opportunities and challenges for skills development. Finally, you should seek out new opportunities and challenges for skills development in your workplace. You can do this by volunteering for new projects or tasks that require you to use or learn new skills, by asking for more responsibility or autonomy in your work, or by seeking mentoring or coaching from someone with skill levels higher than your own.

Practice and apply.

Go on an adventure. Learning is not enough; you need to practice and apply what you learn in real-life situations. Seize every opportunity to use your skills in your work or personal life. For example, if you want to improve your problem-solving skills, you could volunteer to lead a project involving the resolution of a complex problem or challenge.

In conclusion, skills and abilities are both important for your personal and professional development. However, competencies are more valuable than skills because they enable you to perform better in any situation and adapt more quickly to change, which goes hand in hand with the constant evolution of today's workplace. By developing your skill level in your core competencies, you can improve your performance, productivity, growth and development in your job. You can also prepare yourself for future opportunities and challenges that may arise in your career. By following the steps above, you can develop your skills and realize your full potential. Competence is the key to success in today's workplace.

Now that you know what competencies and skills are, and how to develop them, it's time to take action! Don't wait until tomorrow; start today! Choose a skill you'd like to improve and follow the steps above. You'll be amazed at the results!

References :

IBM (2018). The company's guide to closing the skills gap.

Korn Ferry (2016). Talent forecasting.…

LinkedIn (2018). Workplace learning report 2018.…

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